Je tu poslední možnost přihlásit se do online kurzu Mezinárodní asociace pro měření médií. Prestižní certifikát AMEC zahrnuje i měření a analýzu sociálních médií.
Ilustrační foto, Zdroj: AMEC
AMEC (The International Association for the Monitoring and Evaluation of Communications) has made excellent progress in leading/coordinating industry moves to develop effective approaches to measurement and evaluation – based on the strong foundations provided in the Barcelona principles.
An important contributor to this progress is AMEC’s online college – relaunched in 2012 and now run by the PR Academy. The first product from the college is AMEC’s International Certificate in Measurement. This is an online course so participants can fit their studies around busy work schedules, and take the course wherever they are in the world. The result is a rich melting pot of participants that leads to a stimulating mix of ideas and experiences.
The certificate is aimed at:
• Those already working in media monitoring and development
• Communicators wanting to work more strategically
• Professionals wanting to understand and demonstrate the value of measurement
What do graduates say?
“I’ve really enjoyed the level of engagement in the forums and participation from other students. I didn’t expect it and it’s been a really pleasant and informative experience.”
Australian Graduate
“I had been in my PR role of Assistant Press Office Manager (analysis & evaluation) for 6 months when I saw the AMEC International Measurement Certificate. I thought it was the ideal course for me to develop my skills, to understand the theories of PR measurement, and to put these in practice. “
AMEC College award winner
What does the industry say?
“We develop our talent through new education initiatives which in turn sharpens our measurement practices.”
Francois Nicolon, International Marketing Director, Kantar Media
“With the increasing business focus on accountability and ROI, a sound understanding of measurement principles has become a critical skill in a PR practitioner’s tool box.”
John Croll, CEO, Sentia Media
Interview: Paul Noble, course director AMEC College
Foto: Paul Noble, Zdroj: AMEC
How long is the course and how often does it run?
It lasts ten weeks and normally runs twice a year – in Spring and Autumn.
How is it taught?
A combination of online activity and live webinars where a tutor talks you through key concepts. The elearning site gives extensive access to online resources including Evaluating Public Relations published by Kogan Page.
What level is it taught at?
This course is taught at first-degree level.
What does it cover?
• Background and best practice
• Evaluation and strategic planning
• Research methods primer
• Media evaluation
• An introduction to statistics
• Social media measurement
How will I be assessed?
The assessment is a 2000 word assignment comprising a client proposal to a brief, backed up by an underpinning rationale. On successful completion of the assignment you will receive the AMEC International Certificate in Measurement and Evaluation.
Do I need any special IT skills or equipment?
Everything is very simple to use. You will need a PC with audio for taking part in webinars. The e-learning site is web-based and can even be accessed via web-enabled hand held devices.
Does it matter where I am based?
No, you can study from anywhere in the world. The live webinars are recorded so you can watch them later if you are in a different time zone.
How many hours a week should I devote to study?
About four hours a week. This will vary and may be more when you are working on your assignment, for example.
Who is running it?
The awarding body is AMEC, the learning is delivered by PR Academy Ltd on behalf of AMEC. The course director is Paul Noble. Paul is an academic and practitioner and co-author of Evaluating Public Relations.